Peer-reviewed Publications
(Bold names denote lab members when the work was performed)
In Review/Revision
83.) Quiroga-Carmona, M., S. Liphardt, N.M Bautista, P. Jayat, P. Teta, J.L. Malaney, T. McFarland, J.A. Cook, N.D. Herrera, Z.A. Cheviron, J.M. Good, G. D’Elia, J.F. Storz. Species delimitation of leaf-eared mice (Phyllotis) in the Andean Altiplano and adding lowlands. In review.
82.) Boning, X., H. She, L. Zuo, J. Bates, Z.A. Cheviron, Y. Wu, D. Li, S. DuBay, Y. Qu. Phenotypic plasticity shapes the elevation range of Himalayan altitudinal migrants. In review.
81.) Tandon, D., S. Campbell-Staton, Z.A. Cheviron, & B. vonHoldt. Geographic variation in epigenetic responses to hypoxia in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) distributed along an elevational gradient. In review.
80.) Semenov, G., H. Kenyon, E. Funk, W. Anderson, M. McQuillan, J. Spinelli, A. Russell, N. Martinez, A. Van Huynh, A. Alexander, R. Schweizer, E. Linck, Z.A. Cheviron, M.D. Carling, T. Roth, M. Robbins, A. Rice, S. Taylor. 2025. Replicate geographic transects across a hybrid zone reveal parallelism and differences in the genetic architecture of reproductive isolation. In press. Evolution Letters.
79.) Stager, M., D.K. Eddy, Z.A. Cheviron, & M.D. Carling. 2024. Haemosporidian infection does not alter aerobic performance in the Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis). Ornithology ukae065,
78.) Bautista, N.M., N.D. Herrera, E. Shadowitz, O. Wearing, Z.A. Cheviron, G.R. Scott, J.F. Storz. 2024. Local adaptation, plasticity, and evolved resistance to hypoxic cold stress in high-altitude deer mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121:e2412526121.
77.) Stager, M., J. Velotta, Z.A. Cheviron & N Senner. Assessing the evidence for treating developmental plasticity and phenotypic flexibility as different phenomena. Functional Ecology
76.) Pollock, H., C. Rutt, W. Cooper, J. Brawn, Z.A. Cheviron, & D. Luther. Equivocal support for the climate variability hypothesis within a Neotropical bird assemblage. Ecology 105 e4206.
75.) Schweizer, R.M., A. Romero, B.W. Tobalske, G. Semenov, M.D. Carling, A.M. Rice, S.A. Taylor, & Z.A. Cheviron. Thermal acclimation in a non-migratory songbird occurs via changes to metabolic rate, but not thermal conductance. Journal of Experimental Biology 226: jeb245208
74.) Wilsterman, K., E.C. Moore, R.M. Schweizer, K. Cunningham, J.M. Good, & Z.A. Cheviron. Adaptive structural and functional evolution of the placenta protects fetal growth in high elevation deer mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120:e2218049120
73.) Schweizer, R.M., C. Ivy, C. Natarajan, G.R. Scott, J.F Storz, & Z.A. Cheviron. Gene regulatory changes underlie developmental plasticity in respiration and aerobic performance in highland deer mice. Molecular Ecology 32:3483-3496
72.) Beckman, W.Vargas Campos, P.M. Benham, C.J. Schmitt, Z.A. Cheviron & C.C. Witt. 2022. Selection on embryonic hemoglobin in an elevational generalist songbird. Biology Letters 18:20220105.
71.) Pollock, H.S., D. Lamont, S. MacDonald, A. Spence, J. D. Brawn, and Z.A. Cheviron. 2022. Widespread torpor use in hummingbirds from the thermally stable lowland tropics. In press. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 10.1086/722477
70.) Yu, J.J. ….. Z.A. Cheviron [37 additional authors]…. T.S. Simonson. 2022. Time domains of physiological responses to hypoxia and -omics insights. Frontiers in Physiology 13:885295. [pdf]
69.) Ivy, C.M, O.H. Wearing, C. Natarajan, R.M. Schweizer, N. Gutiérrez-Pinto, J.P. Velotta, S.C. Campbell-Staton, E.E. Petersen, A. Fago, Z.A. Cheviron, J.F. Storz, & G.R. Scott. 2022. Genetic variation in hemoglobin regulates breathing in high-altitude deer mice. Journal of Experimental Biology 225:jeb243595 [pdf]
68.) Wilsterman, K. & Z.A. Cheviron. 2021. Fetal growth, high altitude, and evolutionary adaptation: A new perspective. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 321:R279-R294. [pdf]
67.) Wearing, O.H., C.M. Ivy, N. Gutiérrez-Pinto, J.P. Velotta, S.C. Campbell-Staton, C. Natarajan, Z.A. Cheviron, J.F. Storz, & G.R. Scott. 2021. The adaptive benefit of evolved increases in hemoglobin-O2 affinity is contingent on tissue O2 diffusing capacity in high-altitude deer mice. BMC Biology. 19, 128. [pdf]
66.) Stager, M.. N.R. Senner, D.L. Swanson, M.D. Carling, D.K. Eddy, T.J. Grieves, & Z.A. Cheviron. 2021. Temperature heterogeneity correlates with intraspecific variation in physiological flexibility in a small endotherm. Nature Communications. 12, 4401. [pdf]
65.) Schweizer, R.M., M. Jones, G. Bradbury, J.F. Storz, N.R. Senner, C.J. Wolf, & Z.A. Cheviron. 2021. Broad concordance in the spatial distribution of adaptive and neutral genetic variation across an elevational gradient in deer mice. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38:4286-4300. [pdf]
64.) Brekke, T. E.C. Moore, S.C. Campbell-Staton, C.M. Callahan, Z.A. Cheviron, & J.G. Good. X chromosome-dependent disruption of placental regulatory networks in hybrid dwarf hamsters. Genetics 218:iyab043. [pdf]
63.) Storz, J.F. & Z.A. Cheviron. Genomic insights into the physiology of high-altitude adaptation. Annual Reviews of Animal Biosciences 9:149-171. [pdf]
62.) Pollock, H.S., J.D. Brawn, & Z.A. Cheviron. Heat tolerances of temperate and tropical birds and their implications for susceptibility to climate warming. Functional Ecology 35:93-104. [pdf]
61.) Jimeno, B., D. Landry, C.J. Wolf, B. Larkin, M. Prichard, Z.A. Cheviron, & C. Breuner. Metabolic rates predict baseline corticosterone and reproductive output in a free-living passerine. Integrative Organismal Biology 2:obaa030. [pdf][cover]
60.) Malingham, S. Z.A. Cheviron, J.F. Storz, G.B. McClelland & G.R. Scott. 2020. Chronic cold exposure induces mitochondrial plasticity in deer mice native to high altitudes. Journal of Physiology 598:5411-5426. [pdf][cover]
59.) Faber, J.E., Z.A. Cheviron, J.F. Storz, H. Zhang. High-altitude rodents have abundant collaterals that protect against tissue injury after cerebral, coronary and peripheral artery occlusion. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 41:731-744 [pdf]
58.) Stager, M. B.W. Tobalske, N.R. Senner, & Z.A. Cheviron. Body temperature maintenance acclimates in a winter-tenacious songbird. Journal of Experimental Biology 223: jeb221853. [pdf]
57.) Stager, M. & Z.A. Cheviron. Is there a role for sarcolipin in avian facultative thermogenesis in extreme cold? Biology Letters 16:20200078. [pdf]
56.) Tate, K.B, O.H. Wearing, C.M. Ivy, Z.A. Cheviron, J.F. Storz, G.B. McClelland & G.R. Scott. Coordinated changes across the O2 cascade underlie adaptive increases in thermogenic capacity in high-altitude deer mice. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 287:20192750.
55.) Velotta, J.P., C.E. Robertson, R.M. Schweizer, G.B. McClelland & Z.A. Cheviron. Adaptive shifts in gene regulation underlie a developmental delay in high-altitude deer mice. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37:2309-2331. [pdf]
54.) Dubay, S., Y. Wu, G.R. Scott, Y. Qu, Q. Liu, J. Smith, C. Xin, A. Reeve Hart, C Juncheng, D. Meyer, J. Wang, J. Johnson, Z.A. Cheviron, F. Lei, & J. Bates. Life history predicts flight muscle phenotype and function in birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:1262-1276. [pdf]
53.) Benham, P.B. & Z.A. Cheviron. Population history and the selective landscape shape patterns of osmoregulatory trait divergence in tidal marsh Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). Evolution 74:57-72.
52.) Schweizer R.M., J.P. Velotta, C.M. Ivy, M.R. Jones, S.M. Muir, G.S. Bradbrud, J.F. Storz, G.R. Scott, & Z.A. Cheviron. Physiological and genomic evidence that selection on the transcription factor Epas1 has altered cardiovascular function in high-altitude deer mice. PLoS Genetics 15:e1008420. [pdf]
51.) Walsh, J., P.M. Benham, P.E. Deane-Coe, P. Arcese, B. Butcher, Y. Chan, Z.A. Cheviron, C.S. Elphick, A.I. Kovach, B.J. Olsen, W.G. Shriver, V.L. Winder, & I.J. Lovette. Genomics of rapid ecological divergence and parallel adaptation in four tidal marsh sparrow. Evolution Letters 3-4:324-338. [pdf]
50.) Benham, P.M. & Z.A. Cheviron. Divergent mitochondrial lineages arose within a large, panmictic population of the Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis). Molecular Ecology 28:1765-1783. [pdf]
49.) Pollock, H.S., J. Brawn, T. Agin, & Z.A. Cheviron. Differences between temperate and tropical birds in seasonal acclimatization of thermoregulatory traits. Journal of Avian Biology doi: 10.1111/jav.02067 [pdf]
48.) Storz, J.F., Z.A. Cheviron, G.B. McClelland, & G.R. Scott. Evolution of physiological performance capacities and environmental adaptation: insights from high-altitude deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus). Journal of Mammalogy 100:910-922. [pdf]
47.) Wilde, L.R., C.J. Wolf, S.M. Porter, M. Stager, Z.A. Cheviron & N.R. Senner. Botfly infections impair the aerobic performance and survival of montane populations of deer mice, Peromyscus maniculatus rufinus. Functional Ecology 33:608-618. [pdf][cover]
46). Martinez del Rio, C., P.A. Sabat, & Z.A. Cheviron. 2018. The physiology of birds: systems and ecological challenges. Invited chapter for Ornithology: Foundation, Critique, and Application, eds. M.L Morrison, A.D. Rodewald, G. Voelker, J.F. Prather & M. Colón. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
45.) Velotta, J.P. & Z.A. Cheviron. Remodeling ancestral phenotypic plasticity in local adaptation: A new framework to explore the role of genetic compensation in the evolution of homeostasis. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58:1098-1110. [pdf]
44.) Velotta, J.P., C.M. Ivy, C.J. Wolf, G.R. Scott, & Z.A. Cheviron. Maladaptive plasticity in cardiac muscle growth is suppressed in high-altitude deer mice. Evolution 72:2712-2727. [pdf]
43.) Senner, N.R., M. Stager, M.A. Verhoeven, Z.A. Cheviron, T. Piersma, W. Bouten. High-altitude shorebird migration in the absence of topographical barriers: avoiding high air temperatures and searching for profitable winds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 285:20180569 [pdf]
42.) Beckman, L., P.M. Benham, Z.A. Cheviron, & C.C. Witt. Detecting introgression despite persistent phylogenetic uncertainty: the case of the South American siskins. Molecular Ecology 27:4350-4367. [pdf]
41.) Campbell-Staton, S.C., A. Bare, J. Losos, S.V. Edwards, & Z.A. Cheviron. 2018. Physiological and regulatory underpinnings of geographic variation in reptilian cold tolerance across a latitudinal cline. Molecular Ecology 27:2243-2255. [pdf] [commentary by Card et. al.]
40.) Senner, N.R., M. Stager, & Z.A. Cheviron. 2018. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in climate change regimes limits species’ dispersal capabilities and adaptive potential. Ecography 10.1111/ecog.03234. [pdf] [video abstract] *Runner-up 2016 Ecography Award for Excellence in Ecology & Evolution (E4 Award)
39.) Tate, K.B., C.M. Ivy, J.P. Velotta, J.F. Storz, G.B. McClelland, Z.A. Cheviron & G.R. Scott. Circulatory mechanisms underlying adaptive increases in thermogenic capacity in high-altitude deer mice. Journal of Experimental Biology 220:3616-3620. [pdf]
38.) Campbell-Staton, S.C., Z.A. Cheviron, N. Rochette, J. Catchen, J.B. Losos, S.V. Edwards. Winter storms drive rapid phenotypic, regulatory, and genomic shifts in the green anole lizard. Science 357:495-498. [pdf][commentary by Grant]
37.) Cheviron, Z.A. & D.L. Swanson. Comparative transcriptomics of seasonal phenotypic flexibility in two species of North American songbirds. 2017. Integrative and Comparative Biology 57:1040-1054. [pdf]
36.) William, C., G. Ragland, G. Betini, L. Buckley, Z.A. Cheviron, K. Donohue, J. Hereford, M. Humphries, S. Lisovski, K. Marshall, P. Schmidt, K. Sheldon, Ø. Varpe, & M. Visser. 2017. Understanding evolutionary impacts of seasonality. Integrative and Comparative Biology 57:921-933. [pdf]
35.) Lau, D., A. Connaty, S. Mahalingam, N. Wall, Z.A. Cheviron, J.F. Storz, G.R. Scott, & G.B. McClelland. 2017. Acclimation to hypoxia increases carbohydrate use during exercise in high-altitude deer mice. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 312:R400-R411. [pdf]
34.) Barve, S., V.B. Mathur, A. Dhondt, & Z.A. Cheviron. 2016. Life history characteristics influence physiological strategies to cope with hypoxia in Himalayan birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.2201[pdf]
33.) Velotta, J.P., J. Jones, C.J. Wolf, & Z.A. Cheviron. 2016. Transcriptomic plasticity in brown adipose tissue contributes to an enhanced capacity for non-shivering thermogenesis in deer mice. In Molecular Ecology 25:2870-2886. [pdf]
32.) Storz, J. F., & Z. A. Cheviron. 2016. Functional genomic insights into regulatory mechanisms of high-altitude adaptation. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 903:113-128.
31.) Tuttle, E.M., A.O. Bergland, M.L. Korody, M.S. Brewer, D.J. Newhouse, P. Minx, W.C. Warren, A. Betuel, M. Stager, Z.A. Cheviron, R.A. Gosner, & C.N. Balakarishinan. Divergence and functional degradation of a sex chromosome-like supergene. Current Biology 26:344-350. [pdf] [commentary by Taylor and Campagna]
30.) Stager, M., H.S. Pollock, P.M. Benham, N. Sly, J.D. Brawn, & Z.A. Cheviron. 2016. Disentangling environmental drivers of metabolic flexibility in birds: the importance of temperature extremes vs. temperature variability. Ecography 39:787-795 [pdf]
29.) Galen, S.C., C. Natarajan, H. Moriyama, R.E. Weber, P.M. Benham, A.N. Chavez, Z.A. Cheviron, J.F. Storz, & C.C. Witt. 2015. Contribution of a mutational hotspot to hemoglobin adaptation in high-altitude Andean house wrens. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 112:13958-13963. [pdf] [commentary by Stoltzfus & McCandlish]
28.) Scott, G.R., T.S. Elogio, M.A. Liu, J.F. Storz & Z.A. Cheviron. 2015. Adaptive modifications of muscle phenotype in high-altitude deer mice are associated with evolved changes in gene regulation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32:1962-1976. [pdf]
27.) Lui, M.A., S. Mahalingam, P. Patel, A. Connaty, C. M. Ivy, Z. A. Cheviron, J. F. Storz, G. B. McClelland, & G. R. Scott. 2015. High-altitude ancestry and hypoxia acclimation have distinct effects on exercise capacity and muscle phenotype in deer mice. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology 308:R779-R791. [pdf]
26.) Pollock, H.P, Z.A. Cheviron, T.J. Agin, & J.D. Brawn. 2015. Absence of microclimate selectivity in insectivorous birds of the Neotropical forest understory. Biological Conservation 188:116-125 [pdf]
25.) Stager, M., D. Swanson, & Z.A. Cheviron. 2015. Regulatory mechanisms of metabolic flexibility in the Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis). Journal of Experimental Biology. 218:767-777. [pdf]
24.) Natarajan, C., F.G. Hoffmann, H.C. Lanier, Z.A. Cheviron, C.J. Wolf, M.L. Spangler, R.E. Weber, A. Fago & J.F. Storz. 2015. Intraspecific polymorphism, interspecific divergence, and the origins of function-altering mutations in deer mouse hemoglobin. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 32:978-997. [pdf]
23.) Jones, M.R., Z.A. Cheviron, & M.D. Carling. 2015. Spatially variable coevolution between avian malaria and the MHC of a widely distributed passerine. Ecology and Evolution 5:1045-1060. [pdf]
22.) Jones, M.R., Z.A. Cheviron, & M.D. Carling. Variation in positively selected major histocompatibility class I loci in the rufous-collared sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis). Immunogenetics 12:693-704. [pdf]
21.) Cheviron, Z.A., C. Natarajan, J. Projecto-Garcia, D.K. Eddy, J. Jones, M.D. Carling, C.C. Witt, H. Moriyama, R.E. Weber, A. Fago, & J.F. Storz. Integrating evolutionary and functional analyses to test hypotheses about molecular adaptation: A case study of altitudinal differentiation in hemoglobin function in an Andean Sparrow, Zonotrichia capensis. Molecular Biology and Evolution 31:2948-2962. [pdf]
20.) Stager, M., D.J. Ceresale, R. Dor, D.W. Winkler, & Z.A. Cheviron. 2014. Signatures of natural selection in the mitochondrial genomes of Tachycineta swallows and their implications for latitudinal patterns of the ‘pace of life’. Gene 546:104-111. [pdf]
19.) Cheviron, Z.A., A.D. Connaty, G.B. McClelland, & J.F. Storz. 2014. Functional genomics of adaptation to hypoxic cold-stress in high-altitude deer mice: transcriptomic plasticity and thermogenic performance. Evolution 68:48-62. [pdf] [cover] *selected by the Faculty of 1000.
18.) Projecto-Garcia, J., C. Natarajan, H. Moriyama, R.E. Weber, A. Fago, Z.A. Cheviron, R. Dudley, J.A. McGuire, C.C. Witt, & J.F. Storz. 2013. Repeated elevational transitions in hemoglobin function among Andean hummingbirds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 110: 20669-20674. [pdf]
17.) Jones, M.R., Z.A. Cheviron, & M.D. Carling. 2013. Spatial patterns of malaria infection rates in Zonotrichia capensis on the western slope of the Peruvian Andes. Journal of Parasitology 99:903-905. [pdf]
16.) Tufts, D.M., I.G. Revsbech, Z.A. Cheviron, R.E. Weber, A. Fago, J.F. Storz. 2013. Phenotypic plasticity in blood oxygen transport in highland and lowland deer mice. Journal of Experimental Biology 216:1167 1173. [pdf] [cover]
15.) Cheviron, Z.A., G. Bachman, & J.F. Storz. 2013. Contributions of phenotypic plasticity to differences in thermogenic performance between highland and lowland deer mice. Journal of Experimental Biology 216:1160-1166. [pdf] [cover]
14.) Cheviron, Z.A., G. Bachman, A Connaty, G. McClelland, & J.F. Storz. 2012. Regulatory changes contribute to the adaptive enhancement of thermogenic capacity in deer mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 109:8635-8640. [pdf] *selected by the Faculty of 1000.
13.) Storz, J.F., C. Natarajan, Z.A. Cheviron, F.G. Hoffmann, & J.K. Kelly. 2012. Altitudinal variation at duplicated beta-globin genes: effects of selection, recombination and gene conversion Genetics 190:203- 216. [pdf] [cover]
12.) Cheviron, Z.A., & R.T. Brumfield. 2012. Genomic insights into high-altitude adaptation in vertebrates. Heredity 108:354-361. [pdf]
11.) Cheviron, Z.A.+, M.D. Carling+, & R.T. Brumfield. 2011. Effects of postmortem interval on RNA isolated from field-preserved avian tissues. The Condor 113:483-489. +equal contributions. [pdf]
10.) Cadena, C.D., Z.A. Cheviron, & W.C. Funk. 2011. Testing the molecular and evolutionary causes of a “leapfrog” pattern of geographic variation in coloration. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:402-414. [pdf]
9.) Storz, J.F., G.R. Scott, & Z.A. Cheviron. 2010. Phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia in vertebrates. Journal of Experimental Biology 213:4125-4136. [pdf]
8.) Thomassen, H.A., Z.A. Cheviron, A.H. Freedman, R.K. Wayne, & T.B. Smith. 2010. Spatial modeling and landscape-level approaches for visualizing intra-specific variation. Molecular Ecology 19:3532-3548. [pdf]
7.) Uy, J.A.C., R.G. Moyle, C.E. Filardi, & Z.A. Cheviron. 2009. Difference in plumage color used in species recognition between incipient species is linked to a single amino acid substitution in The melanocortin-1 receptor. American Naturalist 174:244-254. [pdf] *selected by the Faculty of 1000.
6.) Cheviron, Z.A., & R.T. Brumfield. 2009. Migration-selection balance and local adaptation of mitochondrial haplotypes in Rufous-collared Sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis) along an elevational gradient. Evolution 63:1593-1605. [pdf]
2008 & earlier
5.) Cheviron, Z.A., A. Whitehead, & R.T. Brumfield. 2008. Transcriptomic variation and plasticity in Rufous- collared Sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis) along an altitudinal gradient. Molecular Ecology 17:4556-4569. [pdf] *selected by the Faculty of 1000.
4.) Brumfield, R.T., J.G. Tello, Z.A. Cheviron, M.D. Carling, N. Crochet, & K.V. Rosenberg. 2007. Phylogenetic conservatism and antiquity of a tropical specialization: army-ant-following in the typical antbirds (Thamnophilidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 45:1-13. [pdf]
3.) Cheviron, Z.A., S.J. Hackett & R.T. Brumfield. 2006. Sequence variation in the coding region of the melanocortin 1 receptor gene (MC1R) is not associated with plumage polymorphism in the Blue-crowned Manakin (Lepidothrix coronata). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 273:1613-1618. [pdf]
2.) Cheviron, Z.A., S.J. Hackett, and A.P. Capparella. 2005. Complex evolutionary history of a Neotropical lowland forest bird (Lepidothrix coronata) and its implications for historical hypotheses of the origin of Neotropical avian diversity. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 36:338-357. [pdf]
1.) Cheviron, Z.A., A.P. Capparella, and F. Vuilleumier. 2005. Molecular phylogenetic relationships among the Geositta miners (Aves: Furnariidae) and biogeographic implications for avian speciation in Fuego-Patagonia. Auk 122:158-174. [pdf]